“Personal website of Bugra Aldal”


It’s been more than month since the earthquake. As I said in the previous post, I applied to the programmer groups. There were thousands of people working on the apps so I mostly labeled data -which was a new experience. Looking back now, I can feel the hopelessness in my writing.

Since then, I’ve went back to my “normal”. Visited doctors for my various problems, classes started, some attempts at several project…

I am more involved with my classes as opposed to last year. They are more about what I am going to do. There is “Introduction to Data Science” where they cover important module such as Pandas & Numpy. Our assignments consist of Kaggle and Hackerrank certificates, it is quite neat. I also love “Statistics for Engineers”.

I am about the finish the foundations (or more like a module) of the AutoML project in my internship. It’s been a great experience, it involved way more than training a model. I had to tackle some backend concepts and implement database logic, websocket logic, and more. Right now, I’m mostly refactoring to lose the coupling and standardizing the outputs.

Past week I got the news that my project application (the project titled “Synthetic Production of Pulmonary Nodules in Frontal Lung XRAY Images by Diffusion and GAN Models”) for 2209-B Industry-Oriented Research Projects Support Program of TÜBİTAK (Scientific and Technological Research Council of Türkiye) was accepted. We are going to be a small team -a team of two even- however I am going to be the project manager and I am quite excited! For now we are starting small. We are going to research & implement some general GAN concepts while some procedure takes place with the files.

That’s it for now. I am planning on writing another post about AI Ethics since some AI news and SOTA AI such as GPT-4 and some research papers I’ve seen started to terrify my in some ways. Don’t get me wrong; it is beautiful, interesting, and exciting. However, we should be very careful or I believe things can go South fairly quickly. I mean, I’m sure engineers and researchers at top companies like Google, OpenAI, Amazon, Microsoft, Meta are using measures I have no idea about but not being able to do much at this stage makes me feel… ?. I don’t know. I want to be a part of the revolution 😀 . For now, the best thing I can do is to use it for my advantage. ChatGPT really helps me with the concepts I don’t understand at first. I don’t get why we use X on a piece of code or at class? ChatGPT, dude. Well, it isn’t always right or sometimes gives wrong examples so I still have a need to go for search engines and browsers.

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